Tuesday, January 26, 2010

AIBS Webinar Series

In January 2010, the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) launched a series of
webinars, under the banner of Practice What You Teach. The series is a joint effort of AIBS, NABT, UCMP, and IBP to support the community of educators teaching introductory biology. Each webinar will offer information about an exceptional teaching resource or pedagogical technique and provide the opportunity to interact with resource providers and your colleagues about successful teaching strategies. Webinars will be offered once a month throughout 2010, each lasting from 60 to 90 minutes.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Citing Electronic Resources

Citing an Internet resource is almost the same as citing a book or periodical. There are different rules for different types of citations, depending on whether you follow the MLA, APA, CSE guidelines or other authoritative style manual. Electronic resources vary, e.g., web pages, live chat, listserves, etc. and each type is cited differently. What they all have in common is that your citation must provide the date you accessed the information.

Some useful sources for electronic citation formats:

- APA Citations Electronic Media-Internet

- MLA Citation Style

- Purdue Online Writing Lab: Documenting Sources

- A Research Guide for Students

Monday, January 4, 2010

Vidque: Video Curator

Vidque aims to help users curate their own collections of the best videos available on the Internet. You can grab videos from sites such as YouTube and TED and put into your own collections.

Vidque is different from other video collection services such as VodPod in that it tracks your video preferences to help you find more videos. You can also follow other users, share videos, and rank videos. As such it's very much like a video bookmarking application.