Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hello, visitors. This blog started out in 2007 as an assignment for an online course about technology in education. In July 2008 it became the official blog of the web site, Now, it's my personal blog again.

Like many adults, I struggle to understand new technology. Teachers don't have the luxury of resolving this issue at their own leisure. They have to know about technology now and they have to be creative about how to use it in the classroom. Some teachers resist but they should listen to student voices: "I think that teachers should be required to go to a technology course and extra classes should be available to kids who need help working with computers, want to learn more about technology, or who just want to have fun."

For more student quotes on transforming education through technology, read Visions 2020.2: Student Views on Transforming Education and Training Through Advanced Technologies. The views of our students provide valuable insights for our teaching.


Anonymous said...

Your blog looks very cool. I feel that my blog is not quite as technologically advanced as yours yet. I like the picture your daughter took. Is that what she would like to pursue as a career?

scilit said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement, vbell. It took hours and hours to figure out how to reshape the template that Blogger gives you to make it more artistic. I also played with fonts, colors, adding new fields, etc. I don't know if this is effective in a blog. I looked at lots of popular blogs on the Internet and most of them are pretty straight forward. Design doesn't seem as important as easy navigation and content.

My daughter took up photography as a hobby but now it's a passion. She still has her job as book designer but she's experimenting with photography as a profession. She isn't sure which way she'll go yet.

J. Scott said...

Congratulations on your great blog. This assignment has not been too difficult, although I have struggled at times with downloading certain documents, such as a digital photo, or PowerPoint. Thanks for visiting my blog, too.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Nice blog. I am taking a course also and am slowly working my way through creating a blog. Good luck.