Sunday, February 18, 2007

Digital Natives and Education

My previous post mentions digital natives. If you're wondering who they are and, if you are a teacher, what it means to teach digital natives, think about this video created by the YouTube user khokanson:

To learn more about the topic, read Marc Prensky's excellent article Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. (PDF document)

Web 2.0

Some of you may be wondering what I am learning in my online course at University of Florida. In a nutshell, the course is about understanding the learning needs of the generation nicknamed "digital natives" and exploring how to apply technology to teach them. The following slideshow sums it up pretty well. It was created by GladsteinS using Slideshare. Click on the show's embedded links to learn about applications new to you. is a place to share and find slideshows. Membership in Slideshare is free and users can embed their own or others' slide shows into web pages as I did in this blog.